Amethyst Hexagon Star ⭐️ Necklace in Gold
Unlock the enchantment of the intricately designed Rose Amethyst Hexagon Star Necklace by Become Spellbound. This stunning necklace showcases a mesmerizing hexagon-shaped amethyst, delicately exposed on all sides to create stunning prism reflections. Known for its ability to open the heart chakra and promote love, friendship, and positive self-image, the Rose Amethyst is a powerful crystal that connects the heart and crown chakra, encouraging a spiritual life.
Each piece from Become Spellbound is handmade with love and intention. Not only that, but when you purchase from this female-owned, creative micro business, you are supporting a small and passionate entrepreneur. Plus, the proprietary sculptural process used to create the talisman gives it a luxurious look without adding extra weight. This process was developed with metal allergy sufferers in mind, making it a perfect piece for anyone to wear.
- This exquisite talisman is adorned with a handcrafted black leather strap. Alternatively, a soft black silk strap can be chosen for a more luxurious touch.